10 Disney World Summer Packing List Items
Planning a trip to Disney World this summer? You might not think that packing for summer is any different than packing for Spring, but the truth is that the summer is more hot & humid than any other time of the year. This Disney World summer packing list will make sure you are prepared for the unpredictable weather in Florida!

Disney World Summer Packing List
Summer is one of the most popular times to visit the Disney parks. If you are planning a trip during the hottest part of the year, do yourselves a favor and purchase the items on this Disney World summer packing list:
1. Rain Poncho
Florida in the summer means that it will rain just about every day.
Typically, the rain hits in the afternoon and doesn’t last long, but nevertheless you will want to be prepared.
Bring an inexpensive Rain Poncho so you won’t have to buy one at the park!
2. Sunscreen
In order to make sure you don’t get sunburned on your vacation you will need to reapply sunscreen throughout the day.
I bring a sunscreen stick in my Disney day bag because it is easy to apply when you are on the go.
3. Misting Fans
These misting fans can be a real lifesaver on a hot day in the parks.
It is the perfect way to cool you off when you are in line for a ride or waiting for the parade to begin.
4. Small Travel Blanket
If you have to sit on the pavement to watch the parade, you will be glad to have a picnic-style blanket to place on the ground.
The black asphalt retains heat and you can easily burn your skin if you touch it.
Choose one that is also waterproof in case you have to lay it on wet pavement.
5. Sunglasses & Sunglass Strap
You won’t want to be without your sunglasses.
You will find yourself taking your glasses on & off quite a bit, so it might serve you to have a sunglass strap to keep them from being misplaced.
6. Insulated Water Bottle
Did you know that ice water is free at Disney counter service restaurants?
We like to bring our own lightweight, insulated bottles with us to the parks and refill them with ice water throughout the day.
7. Freezable insulated lunch bag
We often bring drinks & snacks to the park.
One of the best purchases you can make is for a Packit bag because they keep everything cold!
You just pop it in the freezer and it stays cold for hours!
8. Hair Ties & Brush
Girls with long hair are going to notice the hair sticking to the nape of their neck after the first hour in the park.
I always pack extra hair ties and a small travel hair brush to pull up our hair if we misjudge the Florida heat!
9. Cleansing Wipes
The heat can really take a toll on your skin.
You will find yourself sweating throughout the day and one thing that really helps you cool off are cleansing wipes.
These body wipes are great for the sweaty parts that need a little extra attention!
11. Chafing Stick
When it gets hot & sticky outside, your skin pays the price.
This means more skin irritation.
You can use this
If you’re like me, the very idea of packing for a vacation gives me anxiety. There is so much to remember and a packing list always makes it a bit easier.
Summer sure can be brutal in Florida. We hope this Disney World summer packing list will help you be more comfortable on your vacation!
Do you have anything else we should add to our Disney summer packing list?
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Read more about what to expect for visiting Disney World in these summer months: