Going Inside Cinderella Castle at Magic Kingdom
Nearly all guests at have taken a picture in front of Cinderella Castle, but many have never stepped foot under the archway. If you’ve never walked through it, you are missing out on some of the most beautiful mosaics inside Cinderella Castle along with one of the best Disney character meal experiences.

Going Inside Cinderella Castle at Magic Kingdom
To access the tunnel that runs through Cinderella Castle you need to walk to the right of the castle stage.

The pathway will allow you to walk right through the castle.
One of the benefits of walking through the castle is that you get to see some of the most beautiful artwork in all of Magic Kingdom.
The Mosaics inside Cinderella Castle
There is a series of five mosaic murals inside Cinderella Castle that tell the story of Cinderella.
These beautiful murals took 22 months to complete and contain over 300,000 pieces of Italian glass. Each piece of glass is fused with sterling silver and 14-karat gold.
To fully understand the craftsmanship, the entire set of mosaic pictures took 6 craftsmen over 2 years to complete!

When you see the complete masterpieces in person, you will understand why it took so long to complete this project.
The largest of the Cinderella glass mosaic murals is 15×10 feet and the glass pieces that make up each illustration can be as small as the top of a nail-head.
In addition, they used over 500 different colored pieces of glass!

There are also many details that you may miss at first glance. Be sure to take your time and look at them carefully.

For example, notice in the mosaic featuring Cinderella trying on the glass slipper that the faces of Cinderella’s wicked stepsisters appear differently.
Anastasia is visibly “red with anger”, while Drizella is a little “green with envy” when they watch Cinderella try on the glass slipper.
If you love the story of Cinderella, you won’t want to miss seeing the story unfold in these hand-crafted mosaic masterpieces that line the walls of the tunnel that goes through this beautiful castle.

Cinderella’s Royal Table Restaurant
One of the most popular restaurant experiences at Magic Kingdom is located inside Cinderella’s Castle.

Cinderella’s Royal Table gives guests the chance to dine like a princess with Cinderella and her friends.
This restaurant is on the Disney Dining Plan, but takes 2 Table-Service meal credits per person.
Because this restaurant is so sought after, getting a reservation well in advance of your trip to Disney World is a must!

It always surprises me that people don’t know to walk through the castle instead of around it.
There is so many other details about this castle that you might not know, so be sure to read our list of Magic Kingdom Castle facts.
Have you been inside Cinderella Caste at Disney World? What did you think?
It’s even more amazing when you discover the histories of the people who created these mosaics!